Thursday, December 28, 2006

mehmet yılmaz and ahmet türk

hürriyet columnist mehmet yakup yılmaz also asked today why ahmet türk does not go forth in a humanitarian issue using whatever power he may have -if any- to influence the pkk to clean the mines. he commented that he, too, does not understand why türk makes minesweeping conditional on the government's progress toward a "peaceful solution" in the kurdish problem.

i had not read mehmet's [we worked together at one time in ankara, in the yankı (echo) newsmagazine, a turkish imitation of time] column when i posted mine. on current issues, i prefer to wait a while before making a comment and i try not to reflect views already aired. sorry, i slipped a bit but mehmet and i look at the matter from slightly different perspectives.
mehmet wrote that turkey, by accepting the kopenhagen criteria already aggreed to seeking a peaceful solution but that certainly does not include tolerating a paramilitary secessionist organization going about the country toting guns.

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